Brainfood: Mapping double, Niche modelling, CGIAR impacts, Pathogen genebank, Data stewardship, Breeding tradeoffs, Organic vs conventional, Agronomic trials, Teff evaluation, Eggplant genetic resources, Quinoa phenotyping

Brainfood: Food systems & biodiversity, Tree diversity, Cereal micronutrients, African crops in America, Coffee vulnerability, Coffee fungus, Wildrice, Wild coriander, Wild apple genebank, Laperrine’s olive, Maize landraces, Goat domestication, Honey bee cryo

Nibbles: Cryo genebanks, In situ network, Biodiversity fund, Swiss grape, Coffee history, Wild plant use, Plant breeding impact

  1. Panel discussion on cryopreservation in genebanks on 25 June, save the date!
  2. Forget cryo, what about a network of European network for the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources, in cultivation and in the wild? See who is interested. And express interest yourself.
  3. Germans launch Legacy Landscape Fund for biodiversity hotspots. European in situ PGR conservation network unavailable for comment. Let alone cryo genebanks.
  4. I wonder if that European on-farm conservation network will include the Completer grape, ideally in a monastery.
  5. Decolonizing coffee. Somebody want to write about religion and crops?
  6. Using wild plants in south and southeast Asia. Maybe they need a network too.
  7. Plant breeders say plant breeding is really important.