- Red bananas: one man’s story.
- Avocado mayonnaise: one woman’s story.
- Terra Madre, Day 1: one man’s story. Almost like being there.
- Indoor hot pepper: someone’s grandad’s story.
- Sweet potatoes: several people’s stories.
Nibbles: Goats, Fowl, Goats & fowl, Bees
- Kenyans turn to dairy goats.
- Ugandans advised to turn to local chickens.
- Kenyans told: “Change your old farming methods or face starvation.” Jeremy says: “I’m confused.”
- Irish bees — rescue plan. Thanks Danny.
Nibbles: Moringa, Gardening
Nibbles: Favas, Olives, Insects, Beer, Hallucinogen
- UK breeders scour ICARDA’s fava beans for better genes. What next? Chianti?
- Olive cultivation then and now. An archaeologist speaks.
- Entomophagy.
- Lager yeast origins.
- Salvia divinorum: underutilized no longer.
Natural = fashionable = good
Did your heart skip a beat when you read the news that a researcher had turned a byproduct of biodiesel into fish that make people healthier? It seems to have been picked up all over the place. In essence, making biodiesel results in large quantities of crude glycerol, which needs expensive purification before you can added it to white wine or anti-freeze. However, microalgae can use the glycerol as a feedstock and make omega-3 fatty acids from it. And fish can eat the microalgae, retaining the omega-3s. And people can eat the fish and gain the benefits.
At last, a good reason to support biodiesel!
Well, Gary Jones took the whole fuss apart in great style.