Something else for honeybees to worry about

Gene Expression posted a couple of great videos yesterday. The first shows some Asian Giant Hornets attacking a colony of European honeybees, and wreaking total havoc in minutes. The second, which I’ll reproduce below, shows what the native Japanese honeybee species can do to marauding hornets.

Amazing stuff. Incidentally, hornet larvae and pupae are eaten in Japan as a kind of sashimi. And synthetic versions of vespan secretions are being marketed as dietary supplements.

African food online

Two Kenyan plant breeding students, Arthur Karugu and Felix Waweru, have a website ((According to a Nation article which seems to have disappeared.)) which “provides information on African foods, recipes, restaurants that sell them that and nutritional advice.” They are planning to develop it into an e-commerce platform for small farmers:

Farmers undergo many problems in marketing their products. They need a market link, and we are ready to facilitate that for them, says Waweru…

Best of luck to them. The website is called Try African Food, and it’s got a blog, a roundup of news etc. I’ve subscribed to their feed and will definitely keep and eye on it. Thanks to Kijo for the headsup.