SBSTTA [decides]

SBSTTA’s recommendations on the review of the CBD’s programme of work on agrobiodiversity are out, after last week’s smackdown. As usual, there are analyses at UKabc and IISD. The general consensus seems to be that the recommendations have been weakened, but I talked to one person familiar with the negotiations who thought the text was actually clearer and more focused now. But a lot of square brackets remain, in particular the whole section on biofuels. One thing that struck me is the invitation by SBSTTA “to evaluate and characterize germplasm potentially suitable for adaptation to climate change.” I didn’t find that in the original document, so I am assuming it was added during the negotiations. It seems unusual for a CBD document in recognizing — albeit implicitly — the importance of ex situ conservation, at least in the context of climate change. But I don’t really know how these things work. I hope someone will explain it to me.

SBSTTA discusses agricultural biodiversity

The 13th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity has been meeting all week here in the FAO building in Rome. I only mention it because the agenda includes discussion of a review of implementation of the CBD’s programme of work on agricultural biodiversity. You can read about that discussion and various side events at UKabc and IISD. If you’re taking part and would like to share your thoughts and impressions, let us know. I did sit in on one session as an observer, but really, I have no idea what was going on.