Nibbles: Real farming, Ancient farming, Organic farming, Open farming, Innovative farming, African maize farming

  1. Colin Tudge and Jeremy rethink agriculture.
  2. Wait, so it’s not about producing an energy surplus?
  3. Maybe the rethink can include Seed Ambassadors?
  4. Seeds4All is quite the thought.
  5. Who needs a rethink when there’s a whole book on how plant breeding can contribute to sustainable agriculture?
  6. Well, it can certainly pay off, at least money-wise. But does that need a rethink?

Nibbles: Apple conservation & breeding, Seychelles coconut, Serow, Restoration, Seeds InService, Banana collecting, Oz glasshouse, Soltis video

  1. Citizen science to conserve apples.
  2. Citizen science to breed apples.
  3. Citizen science to conserve the coco de mer.
  4. Conserving a goat-antelope in Sumatra. Maybe try citizen science?
  5. Sourcing seeds for reforestation is tough. Maybe try citizen science?
  6. Art to conserve seeds.
  7. Scientists get help from citizens to collect improbable bananas of PNG.
  8. Australian genebank gets a biosafety facility. Paid for by citizens.
  9. The legendary Pamela Soltis on polyploidy. She’s a citizen too.

Brainfood: Post 2020, Dietary diversity, African greens, Pollinator diversity, Seed science, Seed systems, Sorghum landraces, Wild millet, Maize microbiome, AnGR, Yosemite apples

Genebanks at the summit

The preliminary ideas for transforming the food system, which will, ahem, feed into the UN Food Summit, are out.

There’s a quite a bit in there about diversity — of crops, production systems and diets — but let me single out the four solutions which explicitly mention genebanks:

  1. Action Track 3.10: Increasing agrobiodiversity for improved production and resilience.
  2. Action Track 3.14: Broadening the genetic base of nature-positive production systems.
  3. Action Track 5.10: Tools of accelerated breeding and trait mining underserved crops.
  4. Action Track 5.21: Long-term conservation of food diversity in gene banks and in the field, and sustained diversification of the food basket.

Not bad, eh?

Brainfood: On farm, Barahnaja, Vegetable landraces, Okra core, Carrot breeding, Soybean breeding, Afghan wheat, Phytochemistry, Cassava diversity, Dietary diversity double, Pollination trade