Brainfood: DSI, SMTA, Geno-Phenotyping, Adoption ceiling, Vegetable seeds, Neutral diversity, Trait variation, Feed interventions, Polyploidy, Varietal selection, Sugarcane genomes, African supply chains, Farmers Rights, Agroforestry

Seed sector lays it out

So seed companies have come up with a “Seed Sector Declaration” as a part of their engagement with the UN Food Systems Summit in September 2021.

Among other things, they commit to

CONTINUE our support for the conservation of genetic resources and biodiversity

while asking their partners to

SUPPORT seed sector use of genetic resources, essential to new seed varieties, by supporting improvements to the work of bodies, such as the ITPGRFA and CBD

Can’t help thinking we’ve heard this sort of thing before.

Brainfood: Green Revolution, Hybrid wheat, Pacific PGRFA, Temperate maize, Maize seed, Yemeni coffee, Nutrition agriculture, Vanilla breeding, Cultivar mixture, Meta-analysis, Algerian forages

Journals take Nagoya on board

The journals Molecular Ecology and Molecular Ecology Resources are revising their Data Accessibility Statements to address the requirements of the Nagoya Protocol. It will now be called the Data Accessibility and Benefit‐Sharing Statement and will include this addition:

Molecular Ecology and Molecular Ecology Resources require, as a condition for publication, that the research described in the publication complies with relevant national laws implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity and Nagoya Protocol agreements. Authors will be required to make an affirmative statement during the submission process as to compliance with national laws, if applicable.

Molecular Ecology and Molecular Ecology Resources also encourage authors to disclose benefits generated commensurate with the Nagoya Protocol. Further information on the scope of benefits recognized under the Nagoya Protocol, see the link to the Nagoya Protocol Annex at‐37.

It’s all explained here. Next, let’s see all journals require DOIs for all genebank material used in published work.