Brainfood: Weird coconut, Rainforest management, Pollinators and grazing, Pre-Mendel, Italian grapes, Indian fibre species, Cereal relatives, Brazil nut silviculture

Nibbles: Bovine flatulence, New bananas, Cyperus, Pepper history, Ancient rice, Indian Act, Indians act, CIFOR achievements, Pooch podcast, Milk, Buzz, Commons, Sorghum sociology, Water spinach meme, AGRF

Nibbles: ICRISAT award, CGIAR funding, Chinese medicine, Gut bacteria, Bee research, Sri Lankan law, Wolf Prize, Field Guides, Tapa exhibition, GFFA2014

Nibbles: Potato journeys, European collections, European bees, Wheat breeding, Mountains, Forest restoration, Tall trees, Symbioses, Guanaco reintroduction, Plant genomes, Improving GBIF, 2 sides of beef

  • The European encounter with the potato. A Google Earth tour by Jorge L. Alonso, and really rather fun. In Spanish.
  • The European encounter with virtual germplasm collections. AEGIS takes another step.
  • The European encounter with the honeybee. Bad news for the latter.
  • The European encounter with wheat. Its promiscuity will save us. Wheat’s, that is, not Europe’s. No, wait…
  • Nope, mountains will save us. Including Europe’s?
  • We should be doing reforestation in discrete patches, not huge swathes. Even on mountains, I suppose.
  • But if you want those trees to grow really tall, your options are limited.
  • No harm in adding a few fungi though. On the contrary…
  • And maybe a few guanacos?
  • Well we must have at least one genome piece in Nibbles, mustn’t we? Turns out plants are good models for everything else, including us.
  • And one database hell piece too, natch. Some thoughts on improving GBIF. Could be applied to Genesys too, I fear.
  • Meat: One side, and the other.