Brainfood: Biotechnology, Pollinators, Mulberries, Rice blast, Locavores, Roselle, Cassava, Protected areas, Traditional vegetables, Vitis, European diversity

Nibbles: Languages, Bats, Climate change, Bioinformatics, Wild Garlic

  • Bioinformatics techniques applied to languages.
  • Bats are agrobiodiversity too.
  • “Biodiversity is under severe threat from climate change, but we need to be careful that we don’t give a false impression of what our confidence is.” Attribution to climate change easy at global level; at local, not so much.
  • Problems with bioinformatics? BioStar is a site for asking, answering and discussing bioinformatics questions.
  • A wild garlic festival in Wales this Saturday.

Brainfood: Brazil nut, Cassava relatives, Botanic gardens, Pollinators, OECD, IPM, Community genetics, Insect resistance, Marco Polo sheep, Abiotic stresses, Better climate change modelling