Meanwhile, the Dutch fight back to save other mushrooms.
Surf’s up in Solomons
My friend Tony Jansen and his friend Jon put together this fun video on the Solomon Islands. It’s ostensibly about surfing, but there’s stuff in there about agricultural biodiversity too. I met Tony when he was working at Kastom Gaden Association, a great local NGO working on sustainable agriculture and nutrition issues. We worked together on the livelihoods assessment of the Weather Coast of Guadalcanal.
Agrobiodiversity trade route could attract tourists
Travel the Frankincense Route. Three Wise Men unavailable for comment.
Agritourism round-up
Agritourism bloggish thing from a Canadian. Chock full of material. Agritourism ad-farm? from Bali (not sure what to make of this one.) Agritourism holiday from a company in Africa. Sounds like fun; write us a report if you go.
Two Africas
While browsing the website after reading its features on the potato, I ran across an article about tea-tasting at the Mont Rochelle Hotel in Franschhoek, not far from Cape Town. Which sounds wonderful. But a poignant complement to it was provided by a post I found a little bit later on a blog from the Botswanan village of Nata, which has a line about how tea and bread are served at funerals there. Anyway, Nata Village Blog seems like it’s definitely worth following. Franschhoek and Nata are about 1,600 km apart, as the crow flies.