Nibbles: Gros Michel, Poultry photos, Pigeonpea prebreeding, Murnong, Wheat breeding, Hass, Indian forest foods, Popcorn domestication, Mustard history, Historical botanists, Barges & Bread, Samoan distilling, Kenyan brewing

  • The quest for Big Mike. No, not Stormy Daniels’ latest. It’s a banana.
  • Ok, I’m going to resist the temptation of making the obvious follow-up joke in connection with this gallery of beautiful chickens.
  • Who needs chickens when you have pigeons. Ah, no, these are pigeonpeas.
  • Australia’s answer to the potato. Unclear what the question was.
  • Australia’s answer to frost-sensitive wheat: look in genebanks for resistant stuff.
  • The mother of all avocados. Kind of a Hass-been, though.
  • Avocado shmavocado, says India.
  • Are you not entertained? Have some popcorn!
  • And mustard for that hotdog. You know, like Mesolithic people did.
  • History of plant collecting double feature: Bradby Blake & Frank N. Meyer.
  • Listen to Jeremy on how grain made its way up the Thames.
  • A lot of grain also makes its way to Ft Collins. See what I did there?
  • Taro whiskey: I’ll drink to that.
  • Kenyan coffee to finish things off? Maybe not for long.

Nibbles: Stewart stewardship, Hot peppers, Coquito, Prunus africana, O’Keefe in Hawaii, Bean breeder, Kiwi breeding, Wasabi video

Brainfood: Hari, Gian Tommasso, Cold sorghum, Introgression, Spanish olives, Soybean minerals, Lentil minerals, Durum wheat stress, Livestock guard dogs diversity, Horse diversity, Agricultural landscapes

Nibbles: Forages info, Seed bag, Black rust, Brazilian fruits, Mutant Millets, Biotech conference, Nutrition, RTBFoods