Nibbles: Seeds, IPES report, Old wheat & bread, Twiga, Coca eradication, Double cheese, Breeding apples, Rose collection, Old tea, Insect as food, Fishing industry, UNFCCC negotiations, Famine book, Comms toolkit

  • Seeds scoped in the Pacific. I doubt the region will feature much in the Access to Seeds Index. Not unless it features community seed production groups like Atauro in East Timor.
  • Wanna reform the food system? Here’s the theory.
  • And here’s the practice, at least for wheat (and bread). Though some would probably beg to differ.
  • Blowing up African retail, one banana at the time.
  • Biological control of coca. What could possibly go wrong.
  • The reason for the holes in swiss cheese? We finally have the data.
  • But personally I prefer halloumi.
  • There are patents. There is PVP. And there are trademarks. A podcast on apple breeding, if you can believe it.
  • A whole bunch of heirloom roses all in one place.
  • Museum boffins find stale tea, Brits go ape.
  • Go on, have an insect.
  • Or maybe a nice piece of fish. While you can.
  • Confused about the UNFCCC negotiations about agriculture? Farming First has you covered.
  • Famine is history. Discuss.
  • NSF toolkit for communicating science. Maybe I should have read this before Nibbling.

Nibbles: Cuban heritage, Old food, Forest restoration, Botany in trouble, Community genebanks, Seed book, Beer genomes, Old wheat, Fowler/Naylor, Veggie kiosks, Breeding & data

Nibbles: Lovely bunch of coconuts, Svalbard backlash backlash, ADAPTS, British food history, Artisanal backlash, NASA maps soils, Rock bee art

Nibbles: CIAT genebank, Kew impacts, Zambian poachers, Sustainable cows, CO2 fertilization, Trees on the radio, Prosecco shortage, Chamomile

Nibbles: Iron millet, Potato problems, Potato award, Chocolate, Cider, Nerica for Ebola, African vegetables, Collections in peril, Frida Kahlo, Diverse grasslands, Svalbard, Watermelon heirloom, Sugar, Food security, Engineered heroin, Collecting seeds, Foraging, Early modern maize, Plant protection, Guernsey seaweed