Fibers on display in Boston


That’s from the “[s]plendid, viscerally engaging … groundbreaking exhibition” called Fiber: Sculpture 1960-Present, now on at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. And it was pretty cool. But would it have killed them to include some pictures, or even live examples, of the plant (and animal) sources of the raw materials for objects such as this? ((BTW, do you remember that 2009 was the International Year of Natural Fibres?))


Well, maybe not the animal sources…

Nibbles: Grassland diversity, Home on the range, Delicate hump, Mexican medicinals, ‘Shrums, Salty potatoes, Salty pigs, Afforestation, Craft beer guy

Brainfood: Polyculture services, Apple resistance, Clover seed storage, Oil palm diversity, Alternative foods in Italy, Oregano chemicals, Pig diversity, IPR and indigenous people

Nibbles: ILRI@40, CIAT cleanup, Breadfruit factsheets, Spice book, Senegalese e-goats, Natural history collections, Seed supplies, Bean breeding, Institution building, Eat This Podcast, Phenotyping, Indian eggplant, GMO Terminator