Nibbles: Cassava value addition, African food project, ITPGRFA, Filipino bananas, Plant Cuttings, Seed schools, Refugee gardens, Fisheries double, Cherry blossoms

Nibbles: Eyzaguirre speaks, Hunger, India in Africa, Aquaculture, Mutation breeding, Climate info, Micronutrients, Peanuts, Crops from space, CIMMYT in Africa, Cassava beer, Heirloom onion, Coffee research, Newton’s apple, Gastronomica

Nibbles: NERICA vs landraces, Asian breeding, Wild wheat threats, Indian agrobiodiversity area, GBIF, Ancient Amazonia

  • NERICA shmerica.
  • Did you know that the Society for Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO) 12th Congress from 13-16 January 2012 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. No, neither did I.
  • Whither wild wheat?
  • Koraput and its agrobiodiversity, including aus rice, makes it on the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS).
  • GBIF has many duplicates. I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
  • Amazonia was densely populated. No it wasn’t. Yes it was. No it wasn’t.

Nibbles: BGCI database, Lathyrus, IRRI CWR photos, Sweet potato manuals, Rosemary lore, Pig farmer success story, Fancy restaurant, Vavilov’s Principle, Forests, Sorghum, Millet, Kenya and climate change