Nibbles: Maize landraces, Indian plantain, Indigenous conservation, Slow Food, Design a tomato, Saffron in Vermont

  1. A Mexican entrepreneur and a Pawnee Keeper of the Seed try to save maize landraces in their different ways.
  2. Indian farmer tries to save plantain varieties.
  3. Indigenous conservation will save conservation.
  4. Alice Walters cannot save the food system. But why not let her try?
  5. None of the above of them would understand the concept of designing a perfect tomato.
  6. Saffron is the perfect spice.

Brainfood: Genetic diversity, Pointy maize, Diversification, Hybrid yeast, African yam bean, Urbanization, Wild tomato ecogeography, Wild banana seeds, Seed systems, Phytosanitary, Rematriation, Cowpea development, ABS

Nibbles: Archaeobotany, Citrus genebank, Vitellaria, Potato genebank, Pignolo, IK, Atlas of Living Australia,

  1. Q&A with an archaeobotanist looking into the domestication history of maize and gourds.
  2. Q&A with the curators of the University of California, Riverside Citrus Variety Collection.
  3. Q&A on the shea tree genome.
  4. CIP’s potato cryobank. There’s probably a Q&A somewhere too.
  5. Snippets of a review of an interesting-sounding book about the almost-forgotten Pignolo grape.
  6. Snippets of the Indigenous ecological knowledge used by traditional agriculturalists in India.
  7. A more systematic approach to documenting and protecting Indigenous ecological knowledge from Australia.

Brainfood: Transeurasian languages, Japanese rice, Grapevine pip shapes, Citrus evolution & domestication, Yak domestication, Brassica domestication, Coffee diversity, Switchgrass diversity, Onion landrace, Seed systems

Brainfood: Chickpea genomes, DIIVA, Maize evolution, Malting barley, Wild gluten, Cucurbit review, Coconut genome double, USDA rice collection, CIAT bean collection, PGRFA data integration, USA cattle diversity, PGRFA history