- A million bucks to save lettuce.
- Genebank provides seeds shock.
- The genebank of the future will provide data.
- How to talk about genebanks (among other things).
- A sorghum variety to keep an eye on.
- The past, present and future of Cinchona.
- Ancient genomics of people and dogs: compare and contrast.
- Looking (up) to pastoralists for answers.
Nibbles: Fusarium, Lactobacillus, Lycopersicon, Digitaria, Morus
- The latest on TR4 resistant banana varieties in Australia.
- Lactobacillus is in fact 25 genera.
- Greenhouse tomatoes pretty diverse after all?
- Digitaria: from weed to forage.
- London’s mulberries.
Nibbles: Alert edition
- Book alert: Biodiversity, Food and Nutrition — A New Agenda for Sustainable Food Systems.
- Thread alert: Monumental analysis of crop yield trends in the USA.
- Woke alert: WorldVeg ticks a lot of boxes with its work on a peppers core collection.
- Policy alert: Why haven’t farmers’ varieties found a place in national and global seed markets?
Nibbles: Online courses, Colombian seeds, California grapes, Living lockdown
- Online courses on plant-related stuff.
- Beautiful catalog of Colombian heritage seeds.
- California mission grapes came from Peru, not Mexico.
- Taking care of living collections under coronavirus lockdown.
Nibbles: Olives, Figs, Columbian Exchange, Flour, landraces Newsletter, DOIs
- Is there any doubt that olives are important?
- Or figs, for that matter.
- Spanish botanical garden exhibit on Latin American plants that changed the European diet. Stunning.
- Old mills making a comeback.
- Latest issue of the Landraces newsletter from Farmer’s Pride. See also here for previous issues.
- Huge PDF on DOIs in genebanks.