Brainfood: Grassland diversity, Perennial crops, Ancient dates, Armenian grapes, Endangered trees, HLB sniffers, Household data, NUS, Phenotyping, Sorghum parasites, Wild Vigna, Ancient foods, Climate frontier

Power on Your Plate

That’s the catchy title of a forthcoming conference on African indigenous vegetables, to be held 25-28 May 2020 in Arusha, Tanzania. Here’s the somewhat more clunky subhead: An All-Africa Summit on Diversifying Food Systems with African Traditional Vegetables to Increase Health, Nutrition and Wealth.

Regular readers of this blog will know that we have a thing for African leafy greens here, so we’ll be keeping a beady eye on this one. Thanks to the World Vegetable Centre for organizing it.

BTW, I’ve just noticed that WorldVeg has a new (at least to me) way to search for research on vegetables etc., called HARVEST.

And since I’m at it, kudos for including a link to the genebank on the banner at the top of the conference website, as well as the institute homepage. Kinda wish CGIAR centres did that too…

Oh, and the WorldVeg genebank is contributing to the largest ever deposit event to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

Nibbles: CGN, Software, Foods, MSB, Old date, Cacao lab, Cherokee seeds, Data viz, Popmillets

Brainfood: Food sustainability, Phenotyping barriers, Andean agrobiodiversity, Mango diversity, Wild Brassica diversity, Domestication database, Future crops, Great Dying, Food supplies, Nutritious ag, Wild olives, Pink cassava, Landrace diversity