Nibbles: Zimbabwe breeder, Indian genebank, Zambian genebank, Chinese genebank, Pakistan & Uzbekistan, Manchester planting

  1. Sorghum and millet breeder honoured in Zimbabwe. Always good to see.
  2. Germplasm evaluation efforts of Indian national genebank make it into the mainstream financial press. Also very good to see.
  3. Zambian national genebank does some much-needed safety duplication. More good news.
  4. Possibly good news, hard to say: Russian news agency on what seems to be a new wild rice genebank in China.
  5. Always good news to see two countries agree to collaborate on genetic resources.
  6. Manchester viaduct gets a greenlift. Good to see it, despite no genebanks being involved.

Brainfood: Ukrainian edition

Unfried beans

Are you interested in populations that happen to be hybrids between common beans and some other species? Well, so are our friends at CIAT, and they’re involved in a project with NIAB in the UK to study these hybrid populations from their genebank:

The idea is to see if they could be used in breeding for climate change adaptation.

Researchers will be exploring common bean hybrid populations to learn more about their physical characteristics, genetics, responses to disease and ease of use for breeding programmes.

You can catch up on the latest findings on the NIAB website, but also in an online workshop on March 1.

Brainfood: Spatial data, Extinction risk, Improved lentils, Lentil collection, Ohia germination, Shea genomics, Wild olive, Cacao climate refugia, Cacao sacred groves, Italian winter squash, Nigerian yams, Bambara groundnut diversity