Images of Diversity

Grain GRAIN, an NGO, has published a photo essay that shows a mobile seed festival that took place from 14 January to 13 February 2007 in Andhra Pradesh, India. While GRAIN’s web technology is a lot cruder than Time magazine‘s, and the content is occasionally a little harder to swallow then even the Mexican family‘s fondness for a certain fizzy carbonated drink, it does offer a useful insight into seeds and agricultural biodiversity and what they mean to one local community.

So, GRAIN, why not spice things up a little and enter your photos in our competition? And the rest of you, why not take inspiration from GRAIN, or indeed Time, and document an aspect of agricultural biodiversity? You know it makes sense.

Making sure nutrition is maintained

Truffling through the special issue of African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development about African Leafy Vegetables, one paper caught my eye: Changes in Beta-Carotene, Ascorbic Acid and Sensory Properties in Fermented, Solar-Dried and Stored Cowpea Leaf Vegetables, by Muchoki, Imungi and Lamuka. But only because a couple of days ago a different story — Sunlight Reduces the Value of Moringa Leaves — had done the same. Both tell the same basic story, that even all-powerful traditional leafy vegetables need care in their preparation if they are to deliver the nutritional benefits they are capable of.

Unfortunately I have been unable to find a copy of Ritah Namutebi’s poster on Moringa oleifera, so I have only the newspaper report to go on. Namutebi picked Moringa leaves in the morning, at midday and in the evening and dried them in direct sunlight or in the shade. Those dried in direct sunlight lost 35-60% of their vitamin A, while those dried in shade lost less, 11-15%. ((Actually there’s a conflict in the report. One paragraph gives the figures I have quoted. The following one says that shade drying loses up to 25%, rather than 15%)) There is no information on the effect of time of picking; presumably it made no difference.

The cowpea paper is a whole heap more detailed, with three different treatment methods and six different storage regimes. Bottom line:

  • Fresh leaves contain roughly six times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than dried leaves, but the type of drying makes no difference.
  • Drying makes no difference to the amount of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A.
  • During storage, both the container (polyethylene bags vs Kraft paper) and the temperature affect the levels of vitamins in a manner that depends on how the leaves were initially prepared.
  • At each temperature, polyethylene preserved the vitamins better than Kraft paper.

There’s more, I’m sure, to be gained from this work, but the crucial point is that it is as important to devise appropriate methods of preserving neglected and underutilized species as it is to promote their use in the first place.

World diet photos

“One picture is worth a thousand words” department: The Time feature I linked to in an earlier post has a fascinating photo essay associated with it, showing the weekly food consumption of 16 families around the world. I hadn’t noticed it until Jeremy pointed it out to me. Seems to me that if you’re trying to stay away from processed foods and have a nice, healthy, balanced diet you’re best off living in Sicily, Egypt, Mexico or Bhutan. Would be great to do something similar at the variety level, for example looking at the diversity within potatoes or wheat used by different families around the world.

Those missing bees: a round-up

Over at The Daily Kos Devilstower has produced an entertaining and (I think) fair and honest appraisal of the hypotheses swirling around colony collapse disorder. What I found most interesting about the summary is that Devilstower gives his/her own estimates of each one being right or wrong and then offers a poll where readers can give their own estimates. When I voted, the results were:

  • The way commercial hives are handled 10% 785 votes
  • Infection & Infestation 22% 1731 votes
  • Pesticides 19% 1487 votes
  • GM Foods 9% 741 votes
  • Drought & Bad Weather 4% 324 votes
  • Global Warming 12% 946 votes
  • Electromagnetic pollution 14% 1134 votes
  • Other 6% 499 votes

That strikes me as eminently sensible (because it fits with my own prejudices, obviously). But what would have been really neat — though perhaps impossible to do on Daily Kos — would have been a before and after poll. Give and estimate before reading the piece, then after reading the piece, and see whether all that fine work by Devilstower had any impact. I would hope it did, but a skeptical voice deep within whispers “no”.