Millennium Villages

There was a long piece in the Sunday Standard yesterday on one (in fact, the first) of the so-called Millennium Villages, Sauri in Siaya District, Western Kenya. An initiative of the Earth Institute at Columbia University launched in 2004, the Millennium Villages project aims “to demonstrate how the eight Millennium Development Goals can be met …

Green Millennium Revolution Villages debated

I’ve blogged a few times before about the Millennium Villages. An initiative of the Earth Institute at Columbia University launched in 2004, the Millennium Villages project aims “to demonstrate how the eight Millennium Development Goals can be met in rural Africa within five years through community-led development.” ((“The Millennium Village effort is explicitly linked to …

Nibbles: Coconut origins, Microbe genebank, Stay-green barley, Sachs may suck, Cap in hand, Wheat information, IITA birthday, Cat art, Poppy biosynthesis, Correcting names

Coconut origins, the quick version. Chile gets a bugbank. Stay-green barley genes located. In a genebank collection, natch. What now, a Stay-green Revolution? New Economist blog agnostic about Millennium Villages. Plant scientists call for $100 billion investment in, er, plant science. Wheat pedigrees online. IITA a youthful 45. Cats in Islam. Noscapine production in poppies …

Nibbles: Push-pull award, MVP review, Thoroughbred breeding, Rice info, Aquaculture Clinic

Push-pull pulls in prize. Which is more than can be said for the Millennium Villages Project. I wish someone would occupy them. You can have too much good breeding. If you’re a horse. Nice aerial pics of rice cultivation. And a sort of information service on that cereal called Rice 2.0, which unaccountably lacks an …