IPBES7 on agricultural biodiversity

So I’ve trawled the latest IPBES Global Assessment Summary for Policymakers for references to agricultural diversity, so you don’t have to. Here’s the most relevant of the Key Messages: A6. Globally, local varieties and breeds of domesticated plants and animals are disappearing. This loss of diversity, including genetic diversity, poses a serious risk to global …

Brainfood: Maize trifecta, Montado grazing, Indian CWR, Amazonian cassava, Better breeding, Australian CWR, Apple routes, Citrus routes, African chickens, Ancient African ag, Ancient Mayan ag

Genotyping-by-sequencing highlights original diversity patterns within a European collection of 1191 maize flint lines, as compared to the maize USDA genebank. “The joint analysis of collections by GBS offers opportunities for a global diversity analysis of maize inbred lines.” Genetic Diversity among Selected Elite CIMMYT Maize Hybrids in East and Southern Africa. It could, and …

Nibbles: Chocolate, MAS, Cash crops, Medicinal plants, Rice domestication, Cat genome, Banana research, Artichoke history, Root vegetables, Diabetes data, eMonocot, Paris herbarium, Appleseed, Seed saving, Potato safety duplication, Seed atlas, Botanical Jurassic Park, Mapping urban fruit, Midwest road trip, Iraqi marshes, World Digital Library, World Parks Congress, Plant demography

Ok here goes, there’s a week’s work of Nibbles we’ve got to catch up on. World running out of chocolate! Tell that to Cologne. Yeah well I prefer tea to cocoa. Greenpeace: “Smart breeding” will save us, not GMOs. Breeders: All breeding is smart. Guess the world’s biggest cash crop. Yeah, that one. Alas, it’s …