Nibbles: Genomic taxonomy, AI taxonomy, Apple history, Polo on sago, Quinoa cooking, Super-crap, Funding conservation, Coffee conservation

Boffins sequence plant in field for real-time identification. Boffins decide machines do identification better. Boffins trace apple domestication to Silk Road. Famous Silk Road traveller on sago. Thinking up fun ways of cooking another pretty tasteless staple. Did someone mention super-foodszzzzzzz. Mongabay: Africa needs creative conservation funding approaches. Emily Garthwaite: Hold my latte.

Nibbles: Diversification, Street food, Forest genetic units, Citrus greening, COP22 roundup, Australian breeding, Temperate Orchard Society, Quinoa conference

Diversifying crop production for the SDGs: the view from AVRDC. Local bread, in India and Istanbul. Foresters get all genetic. Winning the battle against citrus greening in Florida. Yeah, so what happened in Marrakech? Do chickpeas really have the nutritional value of cardboard? An apple genebank a day… Drawing the International Year of Quinoa to …

Nibbles: Bluebirds, Quinoa

Bluebirds: friend or foe? Shit knows. Where would you hold a conference on Quinoa for Future Food and Nutrition Security in Marginal Environments? Dubai, natch.