Blogging the big birthday: What would Darwin make of Climate Change

No-one escapes our appeal to celebrate Darwin’s birthday. This just in from Andy Jarvis:

Julián lost his blogging virginity just a few days ago with his post on “Is all climate change bad?.” His points are very valid. The wording in IPCC reports is that many crops become more productive with a 2 degree C temperature hike. It is only beyond that, which is expected 2050 onwards, that productivity significantly goes down on a global scale. And a lot can happen between now and then.

Given the historic day, I wondered what Darwin would make of all this? Surely he’d say that there’s nothing like a bit of selection pressure to bring about evolution. And ho boy do we need some evolution — let’s face it, the system is not working particularly well right now, and that is not limited to biology. Nothing like a crisis to bring about social change and promote innovation. So, on this day, I’d like to make a toast to selection pressure, and I hope that it stimulates changes in the fundamental system of agriculture to select against some of the bizarre, environmentally unsustainable practices and socially inequitable policies that are out there.

One Reply to “Blogging the big birthday: What would Darwin make of Climate Change”

  1. Well, I suppose I cannot let this happen without posting a decent comment. I wonder if anyone could find a theory that would include a revolutionary way of explaining changes in people’s thoughts. However, hopefully we will all wake up and start walking through the same path and in the same direction as Andy states.

    And although I know that you may not be interested in the virginity loss Andy makes reference to, I have to say that losing my virginity was quite a pleasure and although it required some effort (to pass Jeremy’s and Luigi’s blogging wall), it made me feel good — at least while the post was on the first pane.

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