And we’re back …

All spiffed up, cleaned out, and ready to roll. We’ve dumped the rotating pictures, cleaned up the sidebar, and generally oiled the bearings. Comments from almost everyone welcome. ((Not you, Jarvis.))

10 Replies to “And we’re back …”

  1. You guys do important work. Thanks.

    I tested the redesign in Firefox, Chrome and IE8. In each browser, the right sidebar overfills my screen invoking the horizontal scroll bar.

    1. Thanks Brian. Very strange, though, because we built in Firefox 3.6 (our visitors’ preferred browser) and have tested in Chrome and Safari 5 and cannot see the effect you are talking about. Might it be something to do with screen size or zoom?

    2. I notice the same thing in my browser. Your blog is just a lot wider than most, and instead of the text wrapping it invokes a scroll bar. Not a super-critical problem in my opinion, but it does mean I have to do a lot of scrolling to read the sidebar. Now that Brian mentions this, it occurs to me it’s been like this for a while now.

      It’s not an easy problem to solve. I struggled with it a bit with in WordPress template, and I ended up with a solution I was less than happy with. I don’t remember exactly what I did, but I seem to remember fiddling a lot with the numbers in my style sheet (style.css)…

      Otherwise it looks great!

      1. Odd indeed. The maximum width of the site is about 1080px with the normal text sizes. I see a horizontal scrollbar only if I make the bowser narrower than that. About 80% of our visitors have resolutions greater than 1024px wide. Hard to know what to do for the best.

        1. If I understand you correctly, you’re talking about screen width, which is often different from browser width. My screen is much more than 1080px wide, but I never use my browser that size. I always have lots of windows open in different places on my desktop at the same time. My browser usually covers about 1/3 of my screen, with a number of my windows overlapping.

          In theory, you should be able to set things so when someone has their browser set smaller the text wraps, but lots of sites don’t work that way and like I said I couldn’t get that to work well with my blog either. I’m far from an expert on this.

          Compared with most sites I read, your site is wider than most and I end up doing more scrolling.

          You might have a look at for example the BBC news website that I can read without a scroll bar. I think this is a more common width.

        2. Used all updated browsers with my 17″ laptop at 1024. The WordPress Thesis CSS is huge and daunting and intimidates me, but I think reducing .page to 95% forces space on the right margin. Might throw everything else off so I should shut up.

  2. Hi,
    I’ve been quite busy lately and not regularly visiting the weblog and it was a pleasant surprise to find it all pimped up. Kinda like it the way it is.
    BTW – I don’t seem to experience the hiccups mentioned above. I use Firefox 3.6.7 and it just looks neat

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