The latest issue of the Prescott College alumni magazine Transitions is devoted to the question “Where does our food come from?” ((We have taken the liberty of using their subtitle as the title for this post. Warning: it’s a biggish pdf.)) Sure, Gary Nabhan is in there, busily retracing Vavilov’s footsteps. But also our friend and occasional contributor Colin Khoury. And much else besides. Oh, and since we’re talking about Vavilov, he collected in the Pamirs, didn’t he?
Re NI Vavilov in the Pamirs; you know he did
Indeed. Which is why I found it a little bit surprising that Giuliani et al. don’t make more of that in the paper I linked to. But I guess maybe they were trying to subvert the Big Man meta-narrative of agrobiodiversity exploration.
Subversives everywhere.
Sneaky little blighters.
Interesting tree in the back right of the picture. It’s pollarded. Accidental or on purpose. Any idea, Luigi???