Featured: Livestock databases

Peter Ballantyne sees a way to avoid Livestock Breed Database Hell:

For the ILRI part, we have been working on a more integrated approach that brings together all our ‘animal genetic resources’ sites into a unified AnGR knowledge space. Thus it would include at least DAGRIS, AGTR (which is training materials), and a related CDROM ‘virtual library.’ The problem is that each was built in isolation from the other, each has content buried inside a proprietary system (that we are moving to open), and none systematically and smartly (from a info architecture perspective) pull in the diverse content of the others .. and elsewhere. So we are moving to a more integrated set of services that share content (photos, documents etc) and allow for searching across etc. There’s also some work on ‘country’ views of DAGRIS. But it takes some time still!

Good luck, Peter!

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