A request from Gayle Volk (USDA-ARS) and Pat Byrne (Colorado State University). Please respond by 15 March.
The plant genetic resources conserved by genebanks around the world are the essential raw materials for increasing crop genetic diversity and improving the global supply of food and other agricultural products. Colorado State University and USDA-ARS have developed a short survey (5-10 minutes) to assess the needs for various types of learning materials to educate the next generation of plant genebank managers, as well as to inform students about the value and use of plant genetic resources in breeding and research programs. The survey link can be found here.
Learning material on gene bank will help other gene bank mangers to manage the data in convenient and effective way with less time. Students and other researcher will be more informed to the importance of gene bank and germplasm conservation and thus attracted towards the area.
I am a genebank manager in Senegal and I share a collection of millet accessions,