Annnnd … we’re back

Open for business

Thanks everybody for your patience. We’re back, and I really hope that all those little niggly things that I never could get to the bottom of will no longer be niggly. So go ahead, poke around, and if you see anything that’s broken, yell.

Also, if you were dying to comment on something and couldn’t over the weekend, now’s your chance. C’mon, somebody defend the Gates Foundation.

Nibbles: Industrial diversity, Forget feed the world, Vegetable evolution, Housekeeping

Slightly extended, slightly fewer edition

  • Corn (maize) and soybeans are the bogeymen of industrialised, monocropping agriculture, striking fear into the heart of biodiversity lovers everywhere. But, surprisingly, in the US, more than half the production comes from farms that grow at least two other crops. For real specialisation, you need to look at hay and rice. Big tip of the hat to Big Picture Agriculture for that one.
  • And yet, corn and soybeans power the rhetoric of “US farmers feed the world,” despite more than 40% of US corn ending up as ethanol. (See what I did there?) Anyway, Margaret Mellon at the Union of Concerned Scientists thinks its time to move beyond that unhelpful phrase. “It is time,” she says, “to separate the issues of hunger alleviation and crop production.” It is way beyond time, I say.
  • And then there’s this: “More Vegetables Evolving Chocolate-Sauce-Filled Centers As Evolutionary Imperative.”
  • And we’re feeling an evolutionary imperative to shift this particular parasite to a new host. We’ll be attempting to do so over the weekend. With luck, you won’t notice a think when we resume on Monday. See you then.

Gates Foundation strait-jackets African agricultural research

Taking a leaf from the EU’s book, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is offering us a PEARL. That’s the Program for Emerging Agricultural Research Leaders. Tremendous idea, to train and empower younger scientists, specifically “African scientist[s] residing in sub-Saharan Africa or planning to relocate to sub-Saharan Africa to implement the proposed project”.

With this call, we are looking for projects led by MSc and PhD scientists at national agricultural research institutions and universities in sub-Saharan Africa, working in collaboration with other researchers internationally (either within Africa or beyond the continent).

There’s up to US$500,000 available for each project, and you still have until 30 September to get your pre-proposal in. But don’t think you can work on any old thing. No sirree. There are “Exclusionary criteria,” for example no “[i]mprovements to current regulated chemicals or the development of new chemical formulations that would be considered regulated chemicals”. And no (or not much) agricultural biodiversity:

We will NOT consider funding for:


  • Proposals that are not applicable to one or more of the following crop and livestock species: maize, wheat, rice, millet, sorghum, cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, beans, cowpeas, chickpeas, groundnuts, banana, chickens, small ruminants (e.g. goats), and cattle;
  • No idea what order those are in; possibly their importance in the BMGF pantheon. But if you wanted to work on, say, bambara groundnuts, leafy greens, cavies, baobab, fonio, cane rats, cocoyam, tef etc., etc., etc you’re out of luck.

    You obviously have nothing to contribute to whether “three-quarters of the world’s poorest people” have enough to eat, are able to send their children to school, and can earn any money to save and lead healthy and productive lives.

    Too bad.

    Nibbles: Weeds, Poverty, Mycorrhizae, Gluten-free wheat, Vanilla, Different apples, Pashmina wool

    Coffee fraud attacked

    So you dropped $80 on a cup coffee. Now you’re wondering: “Is this really Kopi Luwak, the Joe that features palm civets as an essential worker in the production process?”. Because frankly, you can’t taste the difference. And at $80 a pop, someone might be tempted to undertake a little adultery.

    Have no fear, science is here. This just in, from the American Chemical Society:

    Eiichiro Fukusaki and colleagues … describe identifying unique chemical fingerprints that can be used to identify authentic Kopi Luwak and distinguish pure Kopi Luwak from Kopi Luwak that has been mixed with cheaper coffee. “This is the first report to address the selection and successful validation of discriminant markers for the authentication of Kopi Luwak,” the scientists state.