- Global meta-analysis reveals overall benefits of silvopastoral systems for biodiversity. They’re not bad on their own, but the best thing for biodiversity would be to integrate silvopastoral systems with protected areas.
- Priority areas for investment in more sustainable and climate-resilient livestock systems. India, Brazil, China, Pakistan and Sudan, apparently.
- Farming cattle in the tropics: Transnational science and industrializing pastures in Brazil. But would investment in Brachiaria-based silvopastoral systems in Brazil be a good thing? I guess it depends.
- Country Perspectives on Hay-Making Landscapes as Part of the European Agricultural Heritage. No Brachiaria in sight.
- Genomic diversity and relationship analyses of endangered German Black Pied cattle (DSN) to 68 other taurine breeds based on whole-genome sequencing. It has a small population, but this ancestor of the Holstein is still pretty diverse. No word on whether it likes Brachiaria.
- The meaning of wild: Genetic and adaptive consequences from large-scale releases of domestic mallards. “Wild is not singular.” Let that sink in while you contemplate your mallard-based silvopastoral system.
- Key tropical crops at risk from pollinator loss due to climate change and land use. I’m sure the right silvopastoral systems would be great for pollinators.
- eDNA metabarcoding of avocado flowers: ‘Hass’ it got potential to survey arthropods in food production systems? Yes it does. So now we can monitor the performance of those silvopastoral systems pretty easily.
An apple a day…
Good question. The answer?
It’s all part of a very nice exhibit at the Museum Koenig in Bonn on biodiversity research.
Great to see agricultural research get a look-in.
But pity there was nothing on genebanks, and indeed no call to action. There’s a whole website in Germany about “edible landscapes” that offers ideas about what to do to help preserve fruit diversity. And also shops in and around Bonn that boast about selling lots of apple varieties, including less well known one.
Brainfood: Food insecurity drivers, Agroecology & fertilizers, Overselling GMOs, Genomic prediction, Striga breeding, Farmers’ preferences, Farmers’ WtP, Diversity metrics
- Drivers and stressors of resilience to food insecurity: evidence from 35 countries. Diversify!
- The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa. …but that doesn’t mean agroecology is wrong. So, diversify your mind?
- Genetic modification can improve crop yields — but stop overselling it. Diversify your research teams.
- Genomic predictions to leverage phenotypic data across genebanks. Diversify your training set.
- Harnessing plant resistance against Striga spp. parasitism in major cereal crops for enhanced crop production and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review. Diversity within the weed is almost as important as diversity in host resistance, and less studied.
- Farmers’ heterogeneous preferences for traits of improved varieties: Informing demand-oriented crop breeding in Tanzania. Breeders need to take into account farmer diversity too.
- Farmer Risk Preferences and Willingness to Pay for African Rice Landrace Seed: An Experimental Choice Analysis. Farmers are willing to pay for diversity.
- Too simple, too complex, or just right? Advantages, challenges and resolutions for indicators of genetic diversity. What’s the best way to measure diversity anyway?
Nibbles: Community seedbanks everywhere, USDA genebanks, Public sector plant breeding, Salinity tolerance, Food systems transformation
- Community seedbanks are so big in Zimbabwe that international NGOs are jumping on the bandwagon.
- More from the Cherokee Nation Seed Bank, very much a friend of the blog. International NGOs unavailable for comment.
- Community seedbanks are also in the news in Mexico.
- And in Peru, of course. Oh, here’s a nice video from Peru on Andean roots and tubers, courtesy of CIP, since we’re here.
- Indonesia too, you say? Yeah, why not.
- How to protect genebank collections from climate change, courtesy of USDA. Community seedbanks please take note.
- Who’s going to use all that diversity? Well public sector plant breeders of course.
- Yes, even plant breeders working on Salicornia.
- But how much of the 6 trillion dollars needed for food systems transformation is going to go to genebanks and plant breeding?
The Financial Times does crop diversity
Nicely done. But 75%? Really? Ok, fine, the FT gets a pass because it’s such a nice video. But just this time.