Illustrating domestication

There’s really nothing better than a map to explain the history of domestication in an economic and effective fashion, but I have to say that this recent example from a paper on crop domestication in the Fertile Crescent misses the mark.

It’s supposed to show that…

…plant remains from archaeological sites dated to around 11,600-10,700 years ago suggest that in regions such as Turkey, Iran and Iraq, legumes, fruits and nuts dominated the diet, whereas cereals were the preferred types of plants in Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Israel.

Which I suppose it does, but I have to think they could have done better. Compare with this, from another recent paper, showing the prevalence of spotted coats in early domestic horses.

It’s still a bit busy, but much clearer than the previous one, I think.

Would be great to see an index of all such maps, maybe a mash-up in due course, even a GIF eventually?

Nibbles: Cryoconservation, Barley history, Beer in UNESCO, Future crops, Pacific crops, Ag & biodiversity, Sequencing NUS, Market education, Mauritanian camels

Nibbles: Illicit ag, Illicit stats, Irish folk meds, Medieval farming, Zoo methods, Date collection, Apple breeding, Ancient cannabis, Old yeast