Nibbles: Breadfruit, Cryo, Svalbard poem, Mustard, Ancient diets, Hopi seeds, Aztec houses, Invasives

  1. Your regular reminder that breadfruit could be used a lot more.
  2. Your regular reminder that cryo could be used a lot more in conservation.
  3. Your regular reminder that Indigenous knowledge could be used a lot more.
  4. Your regular reminder that the Svalbard Global Seed Vault could be used a lot more.
  5. Your regular reminder that climate change is getting personal.
  6. Your regular reminder that ancient people weren’t stupid. At all.
  7. Your regular reminder that invasive species are a big problem.

Brainfood: Landrace gaps, Musa gaps, Teff use, Wheat evolution, NUS services, Phenotyping, Harappan residues, Food trade

Olive genebanks are the genuine article

It sounds like the International Olive Genebanks are inching towards Article 15 status under the Plant Treaty.

And that may soon include a fourth collection.

Today, a network of 20 national olive germplasm banks is affiliated with the IOC network, which is also connected to the three current international banks located in Córdoba, Spain, Marrakech, Morocco, and Izmir, Turkey.

So what? Well…

Under Article 15 of the International Treaty, international institutions holding collections of crop germplasm can sign agreements with the Governing Body, in order to make the collections available worldwide under the Multilateral System and benefit from financial and technical assistance for maintenance and improvement of the collections.

Nibbles: New Indian genebank, Bremji Kul conservation, Ugandan cassava, Chicago heirloom tomato guy, Malawi root & tuber value chains, Wild harvested plants report, Indigenous oyster harvesting, The Recipes Project

  1. Maharashtra to set up a genebank, but definitely NOT the nation’s first.
  2. Meanwhile, in Kashmir
  3. Let them eat cassava cake.
  4. Minor roots and tubers not so minor in Malawi. Cassava unavailable for comment.
  5. Area man shares heirloom tomatoes. Not many people hurt.
  6. How to make the most, sustainably, of 12 wild-harvested plant species. According to FAO.
  7. Indigenous peoples have been harvesting oysters sustainably for millennia.
  8. The wonderful Plant Humanities Initiative does recipes.