Nibbles: Malagasy double, Sandwich photos, Middle way, NUS comms, Fishpocalypse, Cali palms, Home on the range, Heirloom rice, Potato genomes, Old watermelons

Nibbles: Oz vineyard apocalypse, California vineyards redux, Ethiopian genebank, Maya collapse revisionism, SunBlack tomato, Nutritious staples, Citrus endowment, Sheep pix

Nibbles: WEMA, AGRA, African universities, Taining breeders, Millets @ICRISAT

  • CIMMYT pushes its newly-bred water-efficient maize in Africa.
  • AGRA not mentioned in the above but surely they were involved? If only in the extension part.
  • African universities also not mentioned, but probably less likely to have been involved. Alas.
  • Register for the next class of the European Plant Breeding Academy, which starts in October 2015. Not at an African university. At a US university.
  • ICRISAT pivots towards millets. Will probably involve breeding. And maybe universities.
  • As for genebanks, I’ve given up expecting namechecks in any of the above.