Nibbles: Access to seeds indeces, Rare plants genebank, Maize and climate change, Bogota market

  1. So there’s an African Seed Access Index whose relationship with the Access to Seeds Index is unclear.
  2. The Pacific Northwest has a genebank called the Miller Seed Vault whose relationship with the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado is quite clear.
  3. The relationship between climate change and changes in crop distributions is becoming clearer, and more worrying.
  4. What is the relationship between huge markets such as Samper Mendoza in Bogota and plant conservation?

Brainfood: Trade double, Organic farming, Food vs non-food, Wild plants, Wheat yields, CWR in S Africa, Gene editing, European seed law, Farm diversity

Nibbles: Breadfruit, Cryo, Svalbard poem, Mustard, Ancient diets, Hopi seeds, Aztec houses, Invasives

  1. Your regular reminder that breadfruit could be used a lot more.
  2. Your regular reminder that cryo could be used a lot more in conservation.
  3. Your regular reminder that Indigenous knowledge could be used a lot more.
  4. Your regular reminder that the Svalbard Global Seed Vault could be used a lot more.
  5. Your regular reminder that climate change is getting personal.
  6. Your regular reminder that ancient people weren’t stupid. At all.
  7. Your regular reminder that invasive species are a big problem.

Ukraine national genebank endures

If you’re worried about the Ukraine genebank, the latest news is that it’s still ok. Here’s the official (maybe?) statement:

Due to the shelling by Russian troops of the Juriev Institute’s premises, the part of the specimens that were being prepared for regeneration were destroyed. The main collection is unharmed.

And Newsweek has done the factchecking.