Nibbles: Yams, Agrobiodiversity, Melons, Cacao, Biotropica, Food, Seed saving, Rice pix, Mongolian livestock, Gums

  • IITA set to expand its ability to provide the world with yam diversity.
  • “Agricultural biodiversity is essential for farmers as it places them in a better position to manage climate change.” Wait, what?
  • An exotic melon is found in Birmingham, UK. But can you make juice from its seeds?
  • James dissects the latest genome announcement: cacao. Ignore the press release, just read this.
  • Biotropica has a special issue on biodiversity. Even some agrobiodiversity.
  • The history of food consumption in the 20th century. Scary reading.
  • New Internationalist magazine has a special issue on seed saving! But only a couple of articles available online, alas.
  • Wonderful photos of the rice harvest from Flickr.
  • Mongolian cashmere can only get more expensive.
  • Australians have more to cope with than a back-stabbing prime minister, it seems. Their eucalypts are in trouble. Something to do with fire, maybe.

Nibbles: Cancun, Maya in Haiti, Indian Food, Pavlovsk, Currywurst, Banana biofuel, Book, Radio, Beer, East African cattle breed, Climate change and altitude, Amazon, Lycopersicon, Pollinator plants, Phenology, Economics

Nibbles: Kew, Diversity, Allanblackia and Acacia, Pulses, GIS, Poverty, Early morning flowering, Agrobiodiversity and climate change, Breeding, Genebanks, Perenniality, Blogs, AGRA, Potato diversity, Witchweed, Mexican potatoes, Salvia, Old Sicilian chestnut, Tropical maize

  • Guardian has whole piece on the importance on Kew’s collections without once mentioning Millennium Seed Bank. Anyway, the Paris herbarium is not so bad either, though they are no match for the Kew press machine.
  • Hybridization is good for plant diversity. Well, yeah. What am I missing here? Oh and here’s more about things that maintain variation, and more still. You see what I did there?
  • Allanblackia is the next big thing in agroforestry. Which probably means its name will soon be changed.
  • Conclave meets to discuss election of next Pope pulse productivity.
  • Videos from Africa GIS week.
  • Meeting to review 10 years of research on chronic poverty. Must have been deeply depressing.
  • Helping rice to keep its cool. A crop wild relatives story.
  • “The Ministry of Science and Technology should emphasize the need to undertake research programmes on unexplored and underutilized crops as these could constitute the genetic base for genes for improved nutritional quality of foods.” In India, that is.
  • “We need to mine that diversity to provide genetic material in an adapted background more readily to be used by plant breeders.” From CIMMYT. How many times have I heard that? Here’s my problem: who will do it?
  • That IRIN feature from a few days ago recycled with a new pic. Which is of a genebank not included in the list in the text. The person shown is my friend Dr Jean Hanson, recently retired head of the ILRI genebank.
  • DIY perennial cereals.
  • “Biodiversity scientists and agricultural scientists have tended to approach their interests in very different ways. I think there’s a lot we can learn from each other.” Wait, what?
  • Another best biodiversity blogs list. Ahem.
  • A “very clear action plan” for a ‘Green Revolution’ in Africa emerges from AGRA meeting. You will however look in vain for the details on the piece.
  • The last Inka treasure. Yep, the potato.
  • Boffins find anti-Striga gene. No, not really, settle down.
  • Rachel Laudan is really rude about Mexican potatoes.
  • Cur moriatur homo cui salvia crescit in horto? Good question.
  • Finding the 100-Horse Chestnut.
  • Getting to grips with photoperiod sensitivity in maize.

Geoff Auricht RIP

Very sad to hear of the death of Geoff Auricht on 7 September. He’d been battling a brain tumor. Geoff had a passionate commitment to the conservation and use of pasture genetic resources, with a particular interest in Medicago. I’ll never forget the month I spent collecting forage germplasm in Sicily with him many years ago.