You remember Robert’s entry for last year’s competition? Well, now check out this piece from MSNBC. And there’s a video too:
Always nice to see a genebank on the evening news.
Nibbles: Cotton, Market, Genebank, Bees
- When Cotton was King.
- America’s longest-operating outdoor market.
- Australia builds a genebank for native plants. Some crop wild relatives may be involved, I guess.
- Undergraduate review of colony collapse disorder. Resist the temptation to mark. Or don’t.
Nibbles: Food, Potatoes, Medicine, Bees, Beer, Food miles, Fungi, Fruits cubed
- “Food is the most cost-effective intervention.”
- Peru promotes potatoes.
- The Importance of Biodiversity to Medicine. Anyone got access? Any mention of nutrition?
- EU Says bees should rest. Problem solved.
- Extreme beer. All problems solved.
- Eat local? I don’t think so.
- Itchy Italian gourmands gutted over climate change-caused truffle troubles.
- Mulberry trees pay the price for immodesty.
- While fig trees planted by Jesuits survive. It’s a funny old world. Fruit tree trifecta in play.
- And it comes in! Today’s saving-the-frigging-English-apple story comes to you from The Guardian. Enough already, the English apple is going to be fine.
Book of the agrobiodiversity of Guatemala published
My good friend Cesar Azurdia has alerted me to the publication of the book Guatemala y su Biodiversidad. Chapter 9 focuses on agricultural biodiversity. There’s a lot of great stuff on homegardens, crop wild relatives, effects of climate change etc., all subjects very dear to our heart here.
Further dispatches from germplasm database hell
In which our hero Jeremy tries to trace germplasm collected by Vavilov, and is disappointed.