Of spears, shields and sorghum

Africa’s farmers have been making sorghum beer for centuries, but it now looks like European brewers are getting in on the act. Heineken and Diageo have started replacing imported barley with locally-grown sorghum in their brewing operations in Ghana and Sierra Leone. It started as a social responsibility project (funded by the Common Fund for Commodities, with the European Co-operative for Rural Development as a partner), but recent increases in the price of malting barley have made it “commercially rather attractive” too.

Of course, farmers have to grow the right variety, and ensure that a consistent supply gets to the breweries, so the project has provided training, access to finance (for seed, fertilizer etc.), and assistance with organizing into groups. This is meant to lead to the establishment of a “sustainable production chain,” which is often touted as a prerequisite for the successful promotion of an underutilized crop — or a crop underutilized for a particular purpose, such as sorghum for industrial brewing: “Farmers need to build confidence that the market is there.”

What will the promotion of a single, industrial use for sorghum do to the diversity of the crop? Nothing good, probably, unless the possible consequences are recognized and appropriate steps taken. In a recent paper we have advocated a “spear and shield” approach to promotion. This means that specific incentives that support diversification should be included when promotion of a particular species, variety or use carries significant risks for (agricultural) biodiversity.

Actions which would support diversification include strengthening community germplasm exchange networks. Coincidentally, there’s an IFPRI discussion paper also out today which looks at the seed system for sorghum and millet in West Africa — Mali, in this case. It seems little certified seed is reaching farmers, though it is still unclear whether this is a demand or supply problem. One of the recommendations is that the formal seed supply systems should deal not only with improved material but also with local landraces. This should be brought to the attention of Heineken, Diageo and their sorghum-brewing partners. Their project should seek to strengthen the local seed system as a whole (the shield), not just help farmers get hold of the preferred brewing variety (the spear).

A modest proposal

That last but one post of Jeremy’s got me thinking. How do we find out if Arachis ipaensis is still at that locality? I mean, short of mounting a fully-fledged expedition of groundnut experts at vast expense, that is. One way might be to ask a local person to check for us. Ok, a wild peanut species might not be the best thing to try this with, but you get the idea. Problem is, how do we identify a local person who knows that area?

Then I remembered something Jeremy sent me recently. WikiLoc is a website to which you can upload your favourite walk or cycle ride as a GPS track. You can then view all these in a number of different ways, including in Google Earth. So I gbiffed (sensu Cherfas, 2008) the localities of wild Arachis species and viewed them in Google Earth together with all the tracks from South America available on WikiLoc.

Well, of course, none of the trails was anywhere near the locality of A. ipaensis. But I did find others that came near — or very near — the localities of other species. Check this one out, for example:

It’s a 32 km circuit around Piribebuy in Paraguay, and it was uploaded by someone called Yagua. It takes about 4 hours to walk it. And it so happens that a specimen of Arachis glabrata was collected along Yagua’s favourite trail, around its southeastern corner:


Now, I don’t think A. glabrata is a particularly significant component of the groundnut genepool, but say, for the sake of argument, that it had been. Couldn’t we ask Yagua to keep an eye on it for us? Multiply by the more than 10,000 tracks on WikiLoc and pretty soon you’re talking about a real global network of agrobiodiversity monitors. But maybe we should test the idea out with a somewhat more — ahem — charismatic plant. And imagine if germplasm collectors start adding their tracks to WikiLoc.

Soybeans and its bottlenecks (or lack of them)

All too often crop genetic diversity studies — even ones published in peer-reviewed journals – are not really testing a clearly set out hypothesis. Markers are chosen and scored for each accession in a germplasm collection, and that’s basically it. Oh sure, estimates of various genetic parameters for the collection as a whole are provided, and there are dendrograms aplenty to illustrate the relationships among accessions. Which is fine, that sort of information can be useful. But one sometimes wishes that more focused questions had been asked — and answered.

Which is why recent work on soybean from USDA and visiting scientists from China and Korea is so interesting. I saw it reported in the February issue of Biodiesel magazine, but the original news item goes back to late last year. What the USDA team did is not just fingerprint material from the 17,000-strong USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection maintained at Urbana, Illinois and publish a nice dendrogram showing how Chinese accessions are related among themselves and to Korean ones, for example. ((Although someone probably did that as well!)) They defined four distinct sets of germplasm, each of which was derived from the one before, and tested the specific hypothesis that each process of derivation caused significant narrowing of genetic diversity, i.e. was associated with a “genetic bottleneck.” The sets of material were:

  1. 26 accessions of wild soybeans 
  2. 52 Asian landraces derived from them
  3. the 17 Asian landraces introduced to the US in the 20th century
  4. 25 elite modern cultivars which have been bred from them

What they found is that genetic diversity (as measured by gene sequencing) in wild soybeans was much greater than in landraces, which is fair enough. Most crops go through a very strong genetic bottleneck at domestication. What was more surprising is that the loss of genetic diversity caused by the introduction of only a few landraces to North America, followed by intensive breeding, amounted to only about 25%. This was much less than expected. The genetic base of US soybeans is narrow, yes, but not that narrow, it turns out.

What this means is that randomly introducing more landraces into soybean breeding programmes will not be very effective. The authors suggest that landraces should instead be carefully selected from the Urbana collection based on what the specific breeding objectives are at any one time. So, if breeding for resistance to the Asian aphid is the aim, landraces from areas of Asia where this pest is found should be the ones to be thawed out of genebank and crossed with the elite material.

All very logical. But I wonder. Was all that gene sequencing really necessary to reach this conclusion? I mean, wouldn’t you want to be somewhat selective in the landraces you introduce into a breeding programme even if the genetic base of the crop had been narrower? Maybe a breeder will help me out here. But anyway, it was good to see a real hypothesis of practical significance clearly set out and tested through specific comparisons in a crop molecular diversity study.

More to maize evolution than selection

Our thanks to Hannes Dempewolf for this guest post.

ResearchBlogging.org What forces drive maize evolution and what factors contribute to the generation of maize agrobiodiversity? This question has been the focus of a recent study, published in PNAS. ((Dyer, G.A., Taylor, J.E. (2008). A crop population perspective on maize seed systems in Mexico. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(2), 470-475. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0706321105))

Contrary to the popular opinion that maize diversity at present is largely a result of artificial selection on local germplasm, the authors call for careful consideration of the ‘larger social context of maize evolution’ and explore the implications of ‘farmer-led selection’ on maize diversity. Using a theoretical approach, underpinned with some empirical data, they investigate the interplay between farmer-led selection and informal seed systems. This can result in the spread of varieties that are not necessarily ones of superior agronomic properties, but are favoured due to other factors, such as superior seed supply mechanisms:

…A frequent supplier of seed might be a farmer whose seed is faithful to a type. His seed line will be well represented locally or even fixed… Another farmer that keeps a stock of maize might be known as a sure supplier of seed when others are lacking. His seed might not be preferable to others’ but might still become locally predominant if the seed population is small. If the population is large, the demographic outcome depends not only on the rate at which he gives out seed but also on how long he keeps it.

In the context of their discussion of seed replacement, they correctly recognize that

High revenue is of less concern to subsistence farmers, who deal with a larger set of issues and overwhelmingly prefer landraces…New seed does not always perform well, especially nonlocal types acquired through informal seed systems. Farmers test seed and discard ill-adapted and inferior types. Most introduced seed is replaced after its first year, more than twice the rate of local seed.

However, introduced germplasm which has not been discarded might introgress into local seed stocks and help to maintain diversity: “When more variation within a locality is lost than created, an external source is required to maintain diversity… It is unlikely that introduced seed is displacing local types systematically.” This is because most introduced seed is not kept true to type but hybridizes with local landraces. What the prevalence of hybridization means for the genetic makeup of local landrace varieties is still unclear, but this question has received considerable attention lately, especially in the context of GMO risk assessments. ((Soleri D, Cleveland DA, & Aragón Cuevas F (2006) Transgenic crops and crop varietal diversity: The case of maize in Mexico. BioScience. 56:503–514.))

The view that, once markets are well developed, farmers shift to adopting improved varieties and hence cease to maintain diversity seems not to hold true in the case of maize in Mexico. There doesn’t seem a loss of diversity even in well developed markets. Diversity at the local level might instead be the result of individual farmer’s unintended actions, as described above.

Further contemplating the role of farmers in maize evolution, the authors suggest:

Farmers’ main goal is appropriating value, whether economic, cultural, or ritual. Whereas some might achieve this through improvement of local seed stocks, others might prefer to keep these stocks unchanged, defying our conceptions of improvement. Others may find it optimal to replace those stocks. It does not follow that seed improvement and conservation traditionally have been performed by farmers specialized as seed curators. Unlike modern maize farmers and breeders who specialize in distinct tasks, most Mexican farmers engage in seed improvement, diffusion, and farming simultaneously. Although individual management decisions have a specific intent (i.e., to preserve or replace seed), it is the sum of farmers’ actions that drives changes in maize populations. These actions can have unintentional albeit predictable effects on the metapopulation dynamics of maize.

One limitation of their study, as the authors acknowledge, is their assessment of the system at one single point in time. They suggest that even after major disruptions of the seed systems, such as catastrophic weather events, normal dynamics are bound to return after seed diffusion through government and relief agencies has ceased. Although these dynamics might indeed return, it would be interesting to see how the genetic makeup of the maize genepool changes in response to human intervention on such dramatic scales.

Social aspects of crop evolution, although undeniably of great importance, have received only limited attention by many students of evolutionary theory. One can only hope that papers like this spark the debate and contribute to a more rigorous scientific exploration of these complex interactions between social factors and crop population genetics.

It should be interesting to see how demographic modelling attempts on the evolution of crops other than maize are taking into account these factors. One could well imagine that this might lead to a major change in the way crop evolution is understood by many researchers.