Mapping livelihoods diversity in East Africa

ResearchBlogging.orgAs the world discusses desertification and worries about the drought in East Africa, it’s as well to remember that it is livestock keepers that bear the brunt of these problems. A recent paper in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment helps to quantify the size of the challenge. ((Cecchi, G., Wint, W., Shaw, A., Marletta, A., Mattioli, R., & Robinson, T. (2009). Geographic distribution and environmental characterization of livestock production systems in Eastern Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2009.08.011.))

It uses environmental and livelihoods data to map the geographic distribution of different livestock-keeping strategies in East Africa. The authors — a team lead by FAO — conclude that:

…nearly 40% of all livestock in the IGAD region are kept in mixed farming areas, where they contribute to rural livelihoods in diverse ways, not least by enhancing crop production through manure and draught power and by providing additional indirect inputs to livelihoods that are seldom properly accounted for. Moreover, an estimated 50 million rural people in Eastern Africa — over a third of the rural population — live in areas where livestock predominate over crops as a source of income. Investment statistics would suggest that this fact often fails to be appreciated fully by governments, donors and policy makers.

The map itself will hopefully prove useful in guiding policy in the future, ((Though I am bound to say I wont be holding my breath on that one.)) but I want to concentrate here on some of the analysis that having all these data in a GIS allowed. In particular, look at graphs of the prevalence of different livelihoods strategies plotted against human population density, and then length of growing period. ((A pastoral production system is where total household income from livestock (L) is 4 or more times greater than total household income from crops (C). An agro-pastoral system has a L/C ratio of 1-4. And in a mixed farming production system the income from crops exceeds that from livestock (L/C<1).)) fig1


It looks like areas with a human population density of 20-30 people per square kilometer and a growing season of about 150 days are the most diverse in terms of production systems. It would be interesting to know whether they are also most diverse at the species and genetic levels, for either crops or livestock. I suspect the necessary data weren’t collected in the livelihoods surveys that formed the basis of this study. Will no enterprising student go in and test the hypothesis?

Mapping free fruit

Free-fruit enthusiasts have put together a Google Maps application to help them forage. Only has a few sites around Britain and Germany at the moment, but I bet it will grow.


Would it be so difficult to have something similar to report threats of genetic erosion, for example? I know Jacob thinks that would be useless, as a threat is only really a threat if it is likely to have an effect on overall genetic diversity, not just on what is available locally. But I’m not so sure. And it would be fun to do.

Mapping banana diseases by phone

…Grameen Foundation, the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Uganda’s National Agriculture Research Organization (NARO) designed a pilot project to test if data collection and transmission through the use of mobile phones (and GPS units) is a viable alternative to tradition[al] agriculture extension. The project team used identifying, mapping, monitoring and controlling banana disease as a case study to model this new agriculture extension system.

Interesting, no? And, it seems, quite effective. You can read about some of the results at AGCommons. Who’s going to be the first to use mobile phones to map and monitor crop (or crop wild relatives) diversity?

LATER: The BBC has a piece on software for mobiles that will support this kind of application.