Legendary ethnobotanist bags award

Congratulations to my friend Pablo Eyzaguirre for receiving the Distinguished Economic Botanist award for 2021 from the Society of Economic Botany. It looks like his wonderful talk describing a career dedicated to exploring the connection between agricultural biodiversity and human wellbeing in all its forms was recorded. I’m not sure whether it will be available to all, but I really hope so, as it would inspire many, as Pablo did me many years ago.

Brainfood: Coconut cloning, Apricot diversity, European ag double, Diet seasonality, Farm size, Ethiopian seeds, Biocultural diversity, Aquatic food, Grasslands, Pollinator mixtures

Nibbles: Ethiopian gardens, Potato history, Early tobacco, Byzantine wine, American grapevines, Farmers & conservation

  1. Lecture on the enset (and other things) gardens of Ethiopia coming up in November.
  2. Book on the potato and governance tries to rescue small subsistence farmers from “the enormous condescension of posterity.”
  3. (Really) ancient Americans may have smoked around the campfire. Tobacco, people, just tobacco.
  4. Byzantine era wine factory found in Israel. Pass the bottle.
  5. Meanwhile, half a world away, Indigenous Americans were using their own grapes in their own way.
  6. Farmers and conservation of crop diversity.

Brainfood: Cola trade, Amalfi terraces, Satoyama value, Burkinabe cattle, Tree planting, Chickpea adoption, Varietal diversification, Wheat diversity, Maize adaptation, Stress breeding, Root & tubers, Cropping data