Nibbles: Svalbard, Amazon fires, China genebank, Gardening, CPVO

  1. Nice genebanks mashup from the always-excellent Mongabay.
  2. Analyzing social media to understand how forest governance is perceived. I want to do it for genebanks now…
  3. …Genebanks such as China’s wild plants genebank, for example.
  4. Thomas Fairchild was a genebanker of sorts 300 years ago.
  5. Once genebanks have been used by breeders, and varieties released (at least in Europe), you’ll be able to find them in the CPVO Variety Finder. I’m sure Fairchild would be impressed.

Brainfood: Genebank technology, Genebank research, Apple genomes, Napier genome, Wheat genome, Blue maize, FACE, Pigeonpea diversity, Millet domestication, Ancient dogs, Ancient bovids, Domestication syndrome, Date pollen, Commons, Genetic diversity trifecta

Nibbles: African veggies, Commodities, Grasslands, Spices, TZ coconuts, Jordan genebank, Mosquito domestication, Jamon, GRIN-Global, Cultivariable

Brainfood: Niche modelling, Post-2020 double, CC & productivity, Wild cacao, Popcorn data, Regulations, Duplicates, Oz ag, Kenya diversity, Stressed wheat, DUS, Connectivity, Population differentiation