Obligatory photos of agricultural biodiversity in Thai floating market go online to stifled yawns

I’m very ignorant about SE Asia, so I assumed that the famous (or infamous) “floating market of Bangkok” would be in Bangkok, rather than over 100km away. I also didn’t really expect it to be quite the tourist trap it is. Oh well. But they do sell a remarkable variety of fruits, vegetables and other assorted agrobiodiversity there. Go to my Flickr page and leave as many identifications as you can.


Nibbles: Traditional knowledge, Opium poppy, Fish, Bees, Earthworms, Wild horses, Camel, Fearl rabbits, Guinea savannah, Kava

Nibbles: Rice breeding, ICRISAT, Arkansas heirlooms, Rice domestication, Livestock products

  • Oldest rice research facility in Western Hemisphere turns 100.
  • ICRISAT DG plugs his genebank, says “India should start investing for the long-term sustainability of the farming sector particularly in dryland agriculture.”
  • Seed-saving in Arkansas.
  • The Archaeobotanist reviews rice domestication. And again.
  • Nordics to discuss how to develop products based on local livestock breeds.

Nibbles: Grains, Cuba, Wine, Raspberries, Film, Bio-char, European market regulations