Nibbles: Adaptation, Soil bacteria, AnGR, Edible flowers, Potato chips, Ancient beer

Nibbles: SusAg WWF-style, Obesity, Innovation, African farmers, Cyanobacteria, Climate change experiment

Nibbles: Millet, Goat, Heirloom Veg, Tamarind, Rice domestication, Rice sustainability, Microbes, Competition

Brainfood: Bean diversity, Rice domestication, Microbial interactions squared, Threat of extinction, Agroforestry, Species diversity

Nibbles: Whiskey fungus, Ecological imperialism, Value chains, Mexican blog, Mexican maize and gender

  • Newly-named urban extremophile fungus survives on angels’ share.
  • 1493. An oldie but goodie. And the book version is on its way.
  • AVRDC lists the 6 principles of food value chain research.
  • El cuexcomate, un nuevo blog en español, acerca de “agricultura, plantas útiles, etnobotánica, comida … desde México.” Bienvenido!
  • Women more interested than men in better-tasting maize. Maybe El cuexcomate will comment.