Nibbles: Eat this tomato, Access to Seeds Index, Tongan coconuts, Grounding the groundnut, Traditional Spain, Genebanks in China and Nigeria, Tree conservation, Sorghum & millet breeding, Iraqi ag, Genebank presentations

  1. Jeremy gets into tomato domestication and diversity on his podcast.
  2. The 2021 Access to Seeds Index Insights Report is out, and includes tomatoes.
  3. What is the most famous place for coconut varieties?
  4. A new book attempts to decolonize the peanut.
  5. Blood and water in Spain.
  6. A tale of two genebanks: China and Nigeria. Maybe the African Union can help? If not, maybe China might.
  7. Africa needs help with tree planting too. Maybe follow Italy’s example?
  8. Though maybe sorghum and millet will be ok.
  9. Send them to Iraqi farmers?
  10. Presentations on seed conservation and use in genebanks.

Nibbles: Orphan crops, False banana, Kava, Old corn, Food museum, Yoghurt, Neolithic, Wheat breeding, Trees, Old clove, Monoculture history

  1. IFAD paean to neglected crops.
  2. BBC tribute to enset.
  3. Threnody to unsustainable kava.
  4. Hymn to a pot of ancient maize.
  5. Toast to a new museum of food in the UK.
  6. Jeremy’s duet with June Hersh on yoghurt.
  7. Scientific American epic on the European Neolithic.
  8. Rhapsody on saving wheat from climate change.
  9. Collection of important tree species from ICRAF.
  10. Panegyric to a clove tree.
  11. A eulogy for monoculture?

Nibbles: Ginger, Cover crops, Pulses, Campbell Soup, NASA, OWD, Göbekli Tepe, Sydney herbarium, Bourdeix museum, Mezcal folk vocabulary, Mango love, Probiotic ag, Andean ag

  1. China and Pakistan to collaborate on ginger. Including exchange of germplasm, apparently.
  2. US doubles down on cover crops
  3. …and pulses. No word on ginger.
  4. How Campbell’s doubled down on tomato breeding. But never released the seeds.
  5. Mapping farmland changes in Egypt. From space. Still waiting for that genetic erosion early warning system though…
  6. Our World in Data does global food. Genetic erosion next? Yeah, just dreaming here.
  7. Cool free book on Plant Food Processing Tools at Early Neolithic Göbekli Tepe.
  8. Digitizing a million herbarium specimens in Australia. How many crop wild relatives, I wonder?
  9. A coconut museum, but on Facebook. And a sort of museum of the plants themselves in India
  10. How to talk about mezcal using all the right words.
  11. A paean to the mango.
  12. Agriculture should be more “probiotic.” Mezcal, coconuts and mangoes would probably help.
  13. It kind of already is in the Andes.