Nibbles: Pacific genebank, IPBES report, New mangoes, British apples, Greek landraces, Fonio, Space seeds, Macadamia cryo

  1. New Zealand supports SPC regional crops and trees genebank in a big way.
  2. Some of those trees are wild species that contribute to food security, and more must be done to conserve them.
  3. Some trees are crops of course, like mangoes, and scientists are doing their bit for them in the Philippines.
  4. Wait, isn’t it too early for the usual BBC saving-the-apple story? Usually comes in the autumn.
  5. Who needs genebanks when you can inscribe landraces in a National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  6. Maybe try it with fonio next?
  7. Or just send seeds into space?
  8. Maybe including macadamia, or is space not cold enough for them?

Brainfood: Bonds, Agrobiodiversity, Subsidies, Orphan crops, Extension, Biodiversity tourism, Green farming

Nibbles: Gulf garden, Lettuce evaluation, Jordanian olive, Kenyan seeds, Hybrid animals, FAOSTAT news

  1. Qatari botanic garden is providing training in food security, and more. Good for them.
  2. The European Evaluation Network’s lettuce boffins have themselves a meeting. Pretty amazing this made it to FreshPlaza, and with that headline.
  3. The Jordan Times pretty much mangles what is a perfectly nice, though inevitably nuanced, story about the genetic depth of Jordan’s olives.
  4. In Kenya’s seed system, whatever is not forbidden in proposed new legislation…may not be enough.
  5. Conservation through hybridization.
  6. FAOSTAT now has a bit that gives you access to national agricultural census data. Which sounds quite important but give us a few days to check it.

Nibbles: Access to seeds indeces, Rare plants genebank, Maize and climate change, Bogota market

  1. So there’s an African Seed Access Index whose relationship with the Access to Seeds Index is unclear.
  2. The Pacific Northwest has a genebank called the Miller Seed Vault whose relationship with the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado is quite clear.
  3. The relationship between climate change and changes in crop distributions is becoming clearer, and more worrying.
  4. What is the relationship between huge markets such as Samper Mendoza in Bogota and plant conservation?

Nibbles: Breadfruit, Cryo, Svalbard poem, Mustard, Ancient diets, Hopi seeds, Aztec houses, Invasives

  1. Your regular reminder that breadfruit could be used a lot more.
  2. Your regular reminder that cryo could be used a lot more in conservation.
  3. Your regular reminder that Indigenous knowledge could be used a lot more.
  4. Your regular reminder that the Svalbard Global Seed Vault could be used a lot more.
  5. Your regular reminder that climate change is getting personal.
  6. Your regular reminder that ancient people weren’t stupid. At all.
  7. Your regular reminder that invasive species are a big problem.