Punjabis saving iconic Italian cheese

It was almost exactly 345 years ago that Samuel Pepys famously dug a hole in his garden in order to save his parmesan cheese from the Great Fire of London:

…and I took the opportunity of laying all the papers of my office that I could not otherwise dispose of. And in the evening Sir W. Pen and I did dig another, and put our wine in it; and I my Parmazan cheese, as well as my wine and some other things.

I like to think the great diarist would have been fascinated to know both that production of that caseinic wonder continues to this day around Parma (with the no doubt invaluable protection of the European Union), and that it is currently largely in the hands of Sikh immigrants:

In the middle of the Po Valley, where the xenophobic Northern League has its core voters, there is now a symbol that coexistence between different cultures and religions can work very well. In Pessina Cremonese, between Mantua and Cremona, the largest Sikh temple in Europe was recently inaugurated. And all agree: without this Indian folk and religious community this area would be much poorer, and typical Italian products such as Parmesan cheese would perhaps be no more.

Home of the potato

Puka MurunkiWilla AjawiriPuka Piña Yuraq Qewillu ("Eagle's Claw") Azul Kanchillo Pusi Piña
Yana Puma Makin ("Hand of the Puma")Amarilla Alq'a Shucre ("Snake") Puka Milkush Criolla NegraLaram Ajanwiri
 Chaucha Roja OjonaWari WaytaHuamantanga Mantequilla Yana Acero Suytu Yana Shiri
Yana Piña Kanka Weq'o Peruanita Pitikiña Wuayuro Pamela Anderson, Director General of the International Potato Center in Lima, Peru

Home of the potato, a set by PRI’s The World on Flickr.

Today’s PRI piece on how an old potato is helping Andean farmers cope with climate change also points to some fun spud photos (see above) which are in fact all of potatoes, unlike in the recent NatGeo disaster. And to a great video of CIP Director General Pamela Anderson eating chips (crisps), which she really shouldn’t do because they’re not very healthy (the chips, not the potatoes), but what the hell.

Nibbles: Ethnobotany talks, Cannabis taxonomy, Ag blogging, Breadfruit in Hawaii, Heirloom auction, Iron Age boozer, Andean potatoes, Minor crops conference, Insects as food