Brainfood: Maroon rice, Dutch aroids, Sicilian saffron, Inca agriculture, Native American agriculture, Mexican peppers, Afro-Mexican agriculture, Sahelian landraces, Small-scale fisheries, Coconut remote sensing

Brainfood: Diversity patterns double, Diversification drivers, Polish genetic erosion, Tibetan naked barley diversity, Indian sorghum diversity, Do novo domestication, Eggplant tree, Banana diversity, Pearl millet diversity, Pigeon pea genome, Grasspea genome, Jersey bull diversity

Nibbles: China grasslands, Edible lily, Ag data, China potatoes, CIP genebank, Vavilov book, Ghana seeds, Nutrition enterprises, Seed production films, Khoury pod, Relais & Châteaux

  1. China rehabilitates its grasslands.
  2. Not content with that, China breeds a new edible lily.
  3. Not sure what food group lilies are in, but farmers are growing more fruits and vegetables, it seems.
  4. Still not resting on its lilies, China breeds climate-smart potatoes.
  5. No doubt CIP and its genebank is helping with that.
  6. There’s a new book on Vavilov and his genebank. He knew a thing or two about potatoes.
  7. Ghana is totally on board with the whole genebank thing. And the Dutch are helping.
  8. Genebanks should hook up with small- and medium-sized enterprises for nutrition. What, not large ones?
  9. Genebanks also need nice education films on seed production.
  10. Friend-of-the-blog Colin Khoury interviewed on In Defence of Plants podcast.
  11. Luxury hotels and restaurants hook up with UNESCO to protect biodiversity. Vavilov would have been so proud.

Brainfood: Cattle domestication double, Sheep domestication, Lomas in Peru, Sweet potato in Aotearoa, Bananas in SE Asia, African wild eggplants, Brassicaceae conservation review, Vanilla in Madagascar

Brainfood: Food systems, Micronutrients, Animal-source foods, Dietary diversity, Opportunity crops, Traditional landscapes, Gastronomic landscapes, Opportunity crops, Biofortification, Fermentation