One of the problems of casting your bread upon the waters with a blog like this is that we actually have no idea what you — the readers — already know about, what you want, and all that. So while some of you may respond to this item with a knowing, “Cool, podcasts, that’ll be fun” others may be thinking “Podcasts? What is he talking about”.
Rather than explain, I’ll just point you to this college’s explanation (which is both clear and useful) and say that podcasts are like internet radio for all. You download a podcast and can listen to it in one of several ways. You can also easily make your own podcasts for others to listen to, something I hope to try here before too long.
Now, to the meat of this post. Agroinnovations has a series of podcasts on agricultural biodiversity that may be interesting. I have not yet listened to any of them myself (too busy blogging about them) but the topics sound worthwhile: entomology, plant pathology, indigenous varieties, Andean crops and more.
So, if you are one of the Cool, podcasts types, and you get to them before I do, why not post a review here and let us all know what they are like?
Technorati Tags: Agricultural biodiversity, Podcast