The financial mess is wreaking havoc with the funding of zoos in the US. Conservation of globally important fauna, you say?
When you’re the mayor of Philadelphia or governor of New York or Minnesota House minority leader, and you’re trying to keep libraries open and children insured and state troopers paid, the preservation of, say, South African’s Humboldt penguin can seem a little less pressing.
Entertainment and education?
…the first is a no-brainer for financial paring, and the second has already been pruned through the elimination of after-school programs and cuts to state college budgets, among others. In this way, the multiple purposes of zoos — a trifecta once highly valued — have today made the institutions a target on government balance sheets.
Are botanical gardens in the same boat? And are genebanks next?
Another reason that growing seeds in gardens and seed exchanges as well as raising the animals we need on working farms is so important. Once we give away our heritage it is at the mercy of fickle funders.