In an almighty panic about GM maize, the government of Mexico City has sprung energetically into action. The result is a “Declaration of Protection of the Maize Breeds of the Mexico Altiplano.” There are said to be “more than 60” maize landraces in the part of the Altiplano that falls within the confines of the Distrito Federal, which I assume is the area over which the Declaration will be applicable.
The Declaration includes provision for:
- establishing a research programme to improve local maize breeds
- supporting farmers who sow only native seeds
- promoting the use of organic fertilizer and pesticides
- banning of the purchase and distribution of transgenic maize in Mexico City
- establishing a germplasm bank for the Altiplano’s maize seeds
I have a few questions about all this, but I’ll just pose one here. Has anyone asked the CIMMYT genebank, just outside Mexico City, whether by any chance it already has the Altiplano’s maize landraces?