Pictures being worth a thousand words, and all that, here are pictures — moving pictures, no less — of some Swedish wheats that were planted out for regeneration and characterization earlier in 2010.
Thanks Dag for the link. How hard would it be to make links to this sort of thing available from all-knowing databases, I wonder? Dag thanks the film-maker, Axel Diederichsen, for putting the names of the varieties into his description of the film, and suggests adding the accession numbers. If everyone did that, some kind of spider could surely crawl the web looking for, and linking to, any and all mentions of the number, and linking to them. With human curation, of course.
Is that crazy?
Sounds like a great idea, I was wondering about making a seed-saving web on U-tube, where a non verbal manual of seed saving could be built up from clips from all over the world. There is quite a lot of stuff up there already.
nice idea but, please, dramatise the videos, otherwise save everybody’s time by succinct written comments on informative images
The spring wheat ‘Vinjett’ mentioned in this clip seems to be released in 1998
( and to be represented by the NordGen accession NGB13917 (
We would need to ask Axel for more detailed credentials for ‘Dala’ and ‘Darlana’.