The pretty stunning light show put on in the main square in Cuzco for the 100th anniversary of the re-discovery of Machu Picchu includes something to do with maize at around 5 minutes in. I’ve taken a screen grab (right), but it’s really worth seeing the whole thing. Maybe some expert can tell us what the maize bit represents. Thanks, Charlotte.
Machu Picchu 100 AƱos from PROJEKTIL on Vimeo.
What a great show!
I think the figures in your screen grab are intended to represent Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, the legendary founders of Cusco and the Inca empire. Once they found the place where the golden scepter could be plunged easily all the way into the earth, that meant that was the place to build their city. They taught the people about agriculture (hence the maize), weaving, and all aspects of civilization, and went on to found the lineage of Inca rulers. There are many versions of this story — a couple can be found here or here.
Thanks, Eve. That sounds about right.