I don’t want to get a reputation as a curmudgeonly old coot ((That horse has left the stable. Ed.)), so let me grasp an opportunity that has fallen into my lap to trumpet a small but significant improvement in conditions down in Genebank Database Hell.
I have on occasion noted that if you wanted to share a link to one of the historical collecting mission reports catalogued in the Collecting Missions Repository, you wouldn’t be able to. No permalink, see? You had to provide the code number of the collecting mission and leave your interlocutor to do the rest, as we did in a recent post on wild Brassica, for example.
No longer. I have been informed, and have verified the fact, that each report now has a handy permalink, reachable from the metadata page.
Let me be the first to congratulate the developers. Would that the folks at Climate Analogues were so obliging…